Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Infidelity Essays

Infidelity Essays Infidelity Paper Infidelity Paper Wright Mills stressed the importance of understanding the relationship between individuals and the society in which they live because many of our personal issues or problems are shaped by social forces. He was referring to something called the sociological imagination Ethnocentrism/ cultural relativism Brandon traveled to Mexico recently and made fun of the way the poor families lived. Gee, dont they know that they should do things like we do here in America? Everyone knows our way is best. This is an example of: ethnocentrism Qualitative research/ in depth interview Qualitative research/ surveys Experiments Secondary Analysis Macro-level theories/ Micro-level theories Conflict theory Structural functionalist theory Feminist theory Symbolic interaction theory Liberal and conservative perspectives of the family/ family change U. S. National family policy/ comparison of social policies related to other similar nations Family of orientation/ family of procreation Matrilineal/ patrimonial Matricidal/ patriarchal Domestic partnership Incest taboo Universal functions of the family Matriarchy/ % of the world that practices it Patriarchy Townies shillelaghs/ gamesmanship World systems theory Ascribed/ achieved status Status/ role Endogamy/ exogamy Polygamy/ polygon/ polyandry Family reconstitution theory Primogeniture Americans Cult of domesticity WI effect on social constructions of femininity/ women in the workplace Sew Gender Androgyny Men and women are more alike than different Gender colonization Level of education/ womens place in society Patriarchy in the US Womens earnings in leading occupations compared to men Labor market segmentation Meritocracy Social stratification Caste/ Class Social mobility/ definition and aspects in the US Socioeconomic status Poverty line, how its calculated Elderly/ relationship of age to poverty Relative/ absolute poverty Individualistic explanations of poverty Fatalism/ explanations of poverty Largest minority group/ projections First/ Second generation Hispanics Rising of middle class African American families Extended Families/ African American families Model minority Native Americans, identification with specific tribe Affirmative action Love and marriage/ relationship to culture Lees Love styles (Storage, lauds, program, mania, etc. ) Biology and sexual orientation Same sex relationships in global perspective Civil union, marriage, domestic partner (know differences) Lawrence Kurds research Sexual scripts Cohabitation AIDS/ transmission What Americans say they want from marriage Anti-miscegenation laws Interpreting/ interracial marriage Dowry rating and dating Covenant marriage Marital status and happiness Wedding industrial complex Average age of marriage for men and women The second shift Marital decline/ resilience perspectives The marriage premium

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Triangles on ACT Math Geometry Guide and Practice Problems

Triangles on ACT Math Geometry Guide and Practice Problems SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you thought the ACT was a big fan of circles, then brace yourself for its absolutely shameless love of triangles. In one breath, you may be expected to find the various dimensions of an obtuse triangle, and the next, an isosceles right triangle. ACT triangle problems will be as numerous as they are varied, so make sure you familiarize yourself with all the different types before test day. This will be your complete guide to ACT trianglesthe types of triangles that will show up on the ACT, the formulas you’ll need to know to solve them, and the strategies you’ll need to apply when approaching a triangle question. We’ll also break down real ACT math problems and give you the walk-throughs on how to most efficiently and effectively tackle any and all triangle problems you come up against. What Are Triangles? Before we go through how to solve a triangle problem, let’s discuss the basics. A triangle is a flat figure made up of three straight lines that connect together at three angles. The sum of these angles is 180 °. Each of the three sides of a triangle is called a â€Å"leg† of the triangle, and the largest (longest) leg is called the â€Å"hypotenuse.† The angle opposite the hypotenuse will always be the largest of the three angles. The sum of any two legs of a triangle must always be greater than the measure of the third side. Why? Because when the sum of two lines is smaller than the measure a third line, they cannot all connect to form a triangle. Triangles that have legs which sum only slightly more than the hypotenuse are quite long and skinny, but they still make the â€Å"bump† of a triangle because they combine to be longer than the third side. But if the legs are too short, they will never meet, no matter how shallow the angle. And if the lines are the exact length of the hypotenuse, then they will flatten to a perfectly straight line, overlapping the hypotenuse precisely. Let's look at an example ACT problem of this kind: A triangle has side lengths of 6 inches and 9 inches. If the third side is an integer, what is the least possible perimeter, in inches, of the triangle? 4 15 18 19 29 We know, based on our rules for the side lengths of triangles, that the sum of two sides must be greater than the third. Because we are trying to find the smallest perimeter, we must find our missing side by taking the difference of our two leg lengths: $9 - 6 = 3$ Considering the sum of two legs must be greater than the third side, our missing side must be greater than 3. (Why? Because $6 + 3 = 9$ and we need the sum to be larger than 9.) If our missing side is an integer value (which we are told is true), and we are trying to find the minimum perimeter value, then our missing side must be the smallest integer greater than 3. Which means that our missing side is 4. To find our perimeter, then, we must add all our sides together: $4 + 6 + 9 = 19$ Our final answer is D, 19. (Note: always pay attention to the exact question you’re being asked and don’t get tricked by bait answers! If you were going too quickly through the test, you might have been tempted to select answer choice A, 4, which was the value of the missing side length. But, since we were asked to find the perimeter, this would have been the wrong answer.) Ready to enter the realm of special triangles (and become insanely awesome)? Special Triangles There are several different kinds of special triangles, all of which commonly appear on the ACT. In this section, we will define and describe all the different kinds of triangles you’ll see on the test. In the next section, we will go through all the formulas you’ll need to know for your ACT triangle problems, as well as how to use them. Equilateral Triangles An equilateral triangle is a triangle that has three equal legs and three equal angles. Though the leg measurements can be anything (so long as they are all equal), the angle measurements must all equal 60 °. Why? Because a triangle’s angles must always total 180 °, and $180/3 = 60$. a Isosceles Triangles An isosceles triangle is a triangle in which two sides and two angles are equal. The sides opposite equal angles will always be equal and the angles opposite equal sides will always be equal. This knowledge will often lead you to the correct answers for many ACT questions in which it seems you are given very little information. (We will go through how to solve this problem later in the guide, but for now, note how it seems as if you are not given enough information. But, if you remember that angles opposite equal lines are also equal, then you’ll see that you now have exactly enough to solve the problem) Right Triangles A right triangle is a triangle in which one of the angles measures 90 ° (90 ° is a right angle). This means that the sum of the other two angles must be 90 ° as well, since a triangle’s angles always add up to 90 °. The leg opposite the 90 ° angle will always be the triangle’s hypotenuse. This is due to the fact that the 90 ° angle will always be the largest angle in a right triangle. (Why? Because two 90 ° angles would make a straight line, not a triangle.) Special Right Triangles There are many different kinds of right triangle and some are considered â€Å"special.† These are triangles that have set angles or side lengths and formulas to correspond with them. Understanding these types of triangles (and their formulas) will save you a significant amount of time as you go through your test. We will go through the formulas that correspond with these types of triangles in the next section, but for now, let’s go through their definitions. Isosceles Right Triangle An isosceles right triangle is just what it sounds likea right triangle in which two sides and two angles are equal. Though the side measurements may change, an isosceles triangle will always have one 90 ° angle and two 45 ° angles. (Why? Because a right triangle has to have one 90 ° angle by definition and the other two angles must add up to 90 °. So $90/2 = 45$.) 30-60-90 Triangles A 30-60-90 triangle is a special right triangle defined by its angles. It is a right triangle due to its 90 ° angle, and the other two angles must be 30 ° and 60 °. 3-4-5, and 5-12-13 Right Triangles 3-4-5 and 5-12-13 triangles are special right triangles defined by their side lengths. The numbers 3-4-5 and 5-12-13 describe the lengths of the triangle’s legs, meaning that, when you have a right triangle with two leg lengths of 4 and 5, then you automatically know that the third leg equals 3. Any consistent multiples of these numbers will also work the same way. So a right triangle could have leg lengths of: 3(1)-4(1)-5(1) = 3-4-5 3(2)-4(2)-5(2) = 6-8-10 3(3)-4(3)-5(3) = 9-12-15 And so on. These are considered special right triangles because all their sides are integers. a a Now it's triangle formula time! Triangle Formulas Now that you know what all your triangles will look like, let’s go through how to find missing variables and information about them. You will not be given any formulas on the ACT, so you must know all of these formulas by heart. (For more on the formulas you’ll need for the ACT math section, check out our guide to the 31 formulas you must know before test day.) But beyond memorizing your formulas, you also must take care to understand themhow they work and when. All the rote memorization in the world won’t help you if you don’t know when or how to apply them when solving your problems. All Triangles Area $a = {1/2}bh$ $b$ is the base of the triangle, which is the length of any one of the triangle’s legs. $h$ is the height of a triangle, found by drawing a straight line (at a 90 ° angle) from the base of the triangle to the opposite angle from the base. This means that, in a right triangle, the height is the length of the leg that meets at a 90 ° angle to the base. In a non-right triangle, you must create a new line for your height. Perimeter $p = l_1 + l_2 + l_3$ Just like with any other kind of plane geometry figure, the perimeter of a triangle is the sum of its outer sides (the triangle’s three legs). Right Triangles Some triangle formulas apply specifically to right triangles, so let's take a look. Pythagorean Theorem $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$ The Pythagorean theorem allows you to find the side lengths of a right triangle by using the lengths of its other sides. $a$ and $b$ signify the shorter legs of the triangle, while $c$ is always the leg opposite the 90 ° angle (the hypotenuse). According to the Pythagorean theorem,$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$. We know that the side with $y$ meters must be our hypotenuse, as it is opposite the 90 degree angle. This means that: $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$ $4^2 + x^2 = y^2$ Now, we need to find $y$ in terms of $x$, which means we need to isolate our $y$. $16 + x^2 = y^2$ $y =√{16 + x^2}$ Our final answer is E, $√{x^2 + 16}$ 3-4-5 and 5-12-13 triangles (and their multiples) are special because you do not need to work through the pythagorean theorem in order to find the side measures of the third length. Remember, if two sides of a right triangle are 12 and 15, then you automatically know the third side is 9 (because $3(3)-4(3)-5(3) = 9-12-15$). Though we can find the length of BC using the Pythagorean theorem, we can also simply know that it is 5. (Why? Because it is the hypotenuse of a right triangle with leg lengths of 3 and 4). Now, we can set up a proportion to find the measure of side AE. The length of AE to its hypotenuse will be in proportion to the length of BD to its hypotenuse. ${AE}/20 = 3/5$ $5AE = 60$ $12$ Our final answer is B, 12. Isosceles Right Triangle $x, x, x√2$ Though you can find the missing side lengths of an isosceles triangle using the Pythagorean theorem, you can also take a shortcut and say that the equal side lengths are $x$ and the hypotenuse is $x√2$. Why does this work? Let’s look at an isosceles right triangle problem. It is given to us that one side length equals 10, so we know the second leg must also equal 10 (because the two legs are equal in an isosceles triangle). We can also find the hypotenuse using the Pythagorean theorem because it is a right triangle. So: $10^2 + 10^2 = c^2$ $100 + 100 = c^2$ $200 = c^2$ $c = √200$ $c = √100 * √2$ (Why were we able to split up our root this way? Check out our guide to ACT advanced integers and its section on roots if this process is unfamiliar to you.) $c = 10√2$ So, we are left with side lengths of 10, 10, and 10√2. Or, in other words, our side lengths are $x, x$, and $x√2$. So our final answer is E, $10√2$ 30-60-90 Triangle $x, x√3, 2x$ Just like with an isosceles right triangle, a 30-60-90 triangle has side lengths that are dictated by a set of rules. Again, you can find these lengths with the Pythagorean theorem, but you can also always find them using the rule: $x, x√3, 2x$, where $x$ is the side opposite 30 °, $x√3$ is the side opposite 60 °, and $2x$ is the side opposite 90 °. a a Make a note now of any formulas that are unfamiliar to you. You will need to know them by test day, so a little practice and organization now will go a long way to keeping them straight in your head. Typical Triangle Questions Most triangle question on the ACT will involve a diagram, though a rare few will be purely word problems. Let’s look at some of the standard types of question in each category. Word Problems Most triangle word problems are fairly simplistic once you draw them out. In fact, often times, the very reason why they give you the problem as a word problem instead of providing you with a diagram is because the test-makers thought the problem would be too easy to solve with a picture. Whenever possible, draw your own diagram when you are given a triangle problem without one. It won’t take you long and it’ll be much simpler for you to visualize the question. This should be a simple figure, but it never hurts to quickly sketch it out in order to keep all our parts in order. We are told that this is a right triangle and we need to find one missing side length, so we will need to use the Pythagorean theorem. $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$ Using our given side lengths for $a$ and $b$, we have: $6^2 + 7^2 = c^2$ $36 + 49 = c^s$ $85 = c^2$ $c = √85$ Our final answer is G, $√85$ Diagram Problems There are several different kinds of triangle problems that involve diagrams. Let’s break them into categories and discuss the strategies for each. Diagram Type 1 - Finding Missing Values Most triangle problems will fall into this categoryyou will be asked to find a missing angle, an area, a perimeter, or a side length (among other things) based on given information. Some of these questions will be more complicated than others, but the ACT will always provide you will enough information to solve a problem, so it’s up to you to put the clues together. Let’s walk through some real ACT math examples of this type: Example 1, First, let us fill in our given information so that we don't lose track of which angles measure what. We know that the interior angles in a triangle sum up to 180 degrees, so we can find ACB by subtracting our givens from 180. $180 - 30 - 110$ $40$ We also know that any straight line will measure 180 degrees. BCD are collinear, which means that they lie on a straight line. We can therefore find angle ACD by subtracting our ACB measure from 180. $180 - 40$ $140$ Our final answer is G, 140 °. Example 2, Similar triangles are in proportion with one another, so we can find the side lengths for triangle BAC by setting up proportions with triangle LKM. ${BA}/{AC} = {LK}/{KM}$ ${BA}/3 = 12.5/7.5$ $7.5BA = 37.5$ $BA = 5$ And our second proportion will follow the same model. ${AC}/{BC} = {KM}/{LM}$ $3/{BC} = 7.5/15$ $7.5BC = 45$ $BC = 6$ Now, we have all the side measures for triangle BAC, which means we can find its perimeter. $5 + 3 + 6$ $14$ Our final answer is B, 14. Diagram Type 2 -Ratios and (In)Equalities These kinds of questions will generally ask you to either find the ratios between parts of different triangles or will ask you whether or not certain sides or angles of triangles are equal or unequal. We are told that AD is equal to BC, which means that their corresponding angles will also be equal. This means that angles CAB and DBA are equal (which consequently means that angles EAB and EBA are equal). We can therefore eliminate answer choice K. Now, if angles CAB and DBA are equal, then angles CBA and DAB must ALSO be equal. Why? Well we know that each triangle has a 90 degree angle and one angle to equal to some unknown measurement (which we could call $x$). This means that the third, remaining, angle (let's call it $y$) must ALSO be the same for each triangle. Each triangle would then be made up of: $180 = 90 + x + y$ This means that we can eliminate answer choice J. By that same reckoning, if angle DAB = angle CBA, then the legs opposite those angles must also be equal. This means that AC = BD, which means that answer choice F can be eliminated. Because AD and CB are equal and both are part of a triangle with a hypotenuse of AB, legs CA and DB will cross in a manner that makes each half of the leg equal to the corresponding half of the leg of the other triangle. In other words, AE = EB and DE = EC. This means we can eliminate answer choice H. The only answer choice we are left with is G.AD CANNOT equal AE. Why? AD is the leg of triangle ADE, while AE is the hypotenuse of that same triangle. From our definitions, we know that the hypotenuse must always be the longest side of the triangle and so it cannot be equal to one of the legs. Our final answer is G. Diagram Type 3 -Multi-Shape or Shapes Within Shapes As you can see from earlier examples, some of the triangle problems on the ACT will involve multiple triangles (or other geometric shapes) combined together. This technique for presenting you problems is designed to challenge your understanding of lines and angles as well as triangles. For these types of problems, you must use the information you are given and solve for more information down the line until you find exactly what you’re looking for. It’s essentially a domino effect of problem solving. Because this problem uses variables, the simplest way to solve it is byplugging in our own numbers. So let us do so. We are told that each unshaded triangle is a congruent right triangle. Because variables can be difficult to work with, let us replace $x$ with 4. (Why 4? Why not!) This means that each triangle has one leg that measures 4 and one leg that measures $2(4) = 8$. Now, we can find the length of one side of the square ABCD by adding our values together. $4 + 8$ $12$ Each side of the square ABCD is equal to 12. Now we can find the total area by squaring this side measure, so: $12^2$ $144$ The total area for ABCD is 144. Now, because each unshaded triangle is a right triangle, we can find the side measures for the shaded square using the Pythagorean theorem. $4^2 + 8^2 = c^2$ $16 + 64 = c^2$ $80 = c^2$ $c = √80$ Since this is the measure of one side of the shaded square, we can now find the area for the shaded square by squaring this number. So: $√80)^2$ $80$ Now, we must simply divide our shaded square by our unshaded square, ABCD, in order to determine what fraction it is of the larger square. $80/144$ $80à · 16 = 5$ and $144à · 16 = 9$ $5/9$ Our final answer is D, $5/9$ Life lessons and triangle strategieswin-win! Strategies for Solving a Triangle Question Because there are so many different kinds of triangle problems, it is difficult to break down one exact path for problem solving them. That said, your greatest assets and strategies when solving triangle problems will be to: 1) Write down your formulas Because you are not given any formulas, you must keep them in your head and in your heart. The good news is that more you practice, the better you’ll be at rattling off triangle areas or side lengths of 30-60-90 triangles or anything else you’ll need. But if you feel like you’ll forget your formulas as you go through your test, take a few seconds and write them down before you start solving your questions. Once you do, they will be there indelibly for you to work from for the rest of the math section, and you won’t have to worry about forgetting them. 2) Use your formulas (and take your short-cuts) Once you’re sure that you’ve remembered your formulas, using them is the absolute most crucial step for any triangle problem. And, considering that most of your formulas essentially act as short-cuts (why bother solving with the Pythagorean theorem when you know that the legs of a 30-60-90 triangle are $x, x√3, 2x$?), you will save yourself a great deal of time and energy when you can keep your formulas on hand and in order. 3) When working with multi-shapes, break it into small steps Remember that dealing with a multi-shape triangle problem is like working with dominos. Each successive piece of information makes way for finding the next piece of information. Don’t get intimidated that you don’t have enough information or that there are too many shapes or lines to deal with. You will always have enough data to go onjust focus on finding one shape and one piece of information at a time, and the dominos will fall into place. 4) Draw it out Draw your own diagrams if you are given none. Draw on top of your diagrams when you are given pictures. Write in your givens and all the measurements you find along the way to your missing variable (or variables), mark congruent lines and angles. The more you can clarify your diagrams, the less likely you’ll be to make careless errors in misplacing or confusing your numbers and equalities. Ready to put your knowledge to the test? Test Your Knowledge Now let's test your triangle knowledge against some more real ACT math problems. 1) 2) 3) 4) Answers: B, F, E, H Answer Explanations: 1)Because we are told that this is an isosceles trapezoid, we know that each non-parallel side must be equal. This means that the angles that capture these sides (angles BDC and ACD) must also be equal. We also know that the interior degrees of a triangle will always sum 180 degrees, so we can find the measure of DXC by subtracting our two known angles from 180. $180 - 25 - 25$ $130$ Now, DB is a straight line, which means that the angles that make the line must total 180 degrees.This means we can find angle BXC by subtracting our known angle from 180. $180 - 130$ $50$ Finally, we again know that a triangle's interior angles will sum to 180, so we can find DBC by subtracting our known angles from 180. $180 - 50 - 35$ $95$ Our final answer is B, 95 °. 2)We know from our triangle definitions that the larger the side opposite an angle, the larger the angle will be. (If you ever feel unsure about the relationships between angles and sides of a triangle, you can also consult your rules and definitions of trigonometry.) So if we drew in some random side measurements for XZ and YZ (so long as they follow the rule that XZ YZ), we can see clearly that angle Y will be greater than angle X. Our final answer is F, angle X angle Y. 3)We are told that the triangle is a hypotenuse right triangle, which means that we can use our shortcuts to find the other two side lengths. We know that an isosceles right triangle has side lengths of $x, x$, and $x√2$. Since we already know that the hypotenuse is $8√2$, we can say that the other two sides both measure 8. Now, we can add together the legs to find the perimeter. $8 + 8 + 8√2$ $16 +8√2$ Our final answer is E, $16 + 8√2$ 4)Before we do anything else, let us fill in our given information. Now, we can know the triangles and the exterior angle are all collinear, which means that the angles that create the line will sum to 180 °. This means we can find angle CBD by subtracting our exterior angle from 180. $180 - 140$ $40$ Now that we have two interior angle measures in triangle DCB, we can find the measure of the third (because the interior angles in a triangle will always add up to 180). $180 - 40 - 47$ $93$ [Note: you may notice that the sum of the two angles not touching the exterior angle sum up to equal the exterior angle$47 + 93 = 140$. This is not a coincidence. It will always be the case that the two non-connected angles will sum to equal the exterior angle of any type of triangle.) Now we again have two angles that create a straight line, which means that we can find the measure of angle CDA by subtracting our known angle from 180 °. $180 - 93$ $87$ And finally, CAD forms a triangle, which means that its interior angles will sum to equal 180. We can find angle ACD by subtracting our two known values from 180 °. $180 - 76 - 87$ $17$ Our final answer is H, 17 °. Aw, yea. You've earned that nap. The Take-Aways Whether it be a trigonometry problem or a geometry problem, you’ll see triangles several times on any given ACT. Though most triangle problems are fairly straight forward, you’ll need to know the basic building blocks of triangles and geometry in order to understand how to solve them. Know your definitions, memorize your formulas, and do your best to keep a clear head as you go through your test. And, as always, practice, practice, practice! The more experience you get in solving the variety of triangle questions the ACT can think to put in front of you, the better off you’ll be. What’s Next? Whoo! You took on triangles and won (give yourself a round of applause)! In the mood for more geometry? Hop on over to our guides on ACT circles, polygons, and solid geometry and round off all your geometry studies in one go. Not sure what topic to tackle next? Make sure you've got a clear idea of all the math topics you'll be tested on and check out all of our ACT math guides for reference and practice. Each guide has definitions, formulas, and real ACT practice questions and will break down the solving process step-by-step. Been procrastinating? Check out our guide on how to take back your study time and beat back those procrastination demons. Looking to get a perfect score? Our guide to getting a 36 on the ACT math (written by a perfect-scorer!) will help get you where you need to go. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Math lesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Garbology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Garbology - Essay Example The archaeologist in the future can readily tell that the place I live is occupied by a young adult judging from my thrash. Such archaeologist would also be able to tell that I am a male student judging from my disposal of school materials such as papers, pens and old tattered jersey (male design). Our refuse will tell that our household mirrors the typical American middle class who enjoys amenities in life. Our thrash will also tell that we do groceries at least once a week and that we are technology savvy just like most people my age. It would also tell that my household is able to afford home entertainment because of the broken DVDs I threw. It is because our thrash that relates to food are regular as well as thrashes that relates to gadgets and technology. It would however be difficult to tell the exact number of people living in our household by our thrash alone. The anthropologist in the future however can make an educated guess how many of us in our household based on our disposals but it would quite impossible to determine the exact number of individuals living in it. For example, there is a consistent disposal of soda and plastic wraps of clothing and gadget and that would indicate that there is a young adult in the household. The archaeologist can also tell that such young adult is male based on the labels of my disposals. It would however be difficult to determine how many young adults are there in the household because some of my thrash coincides with my father. Such thrash include our gym apparels and clothing where we almost have the same preference of brand. I also have regular visitors because we are a close knit family and that include relatives and friends who leave their thrash behind. Now, that would be impossible to d etermine in the future whose thrash belongs to me or my cousins. Nevertheless, investigators in the future can

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

SPITCEROW MODEL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

SPITCEROW MODEL - Essay Example At this time, 86 of 88 Russian Federal subjects committed to 1992 Federation Treaty (Turkish Weekly 1). This separated the power of the local and federal government. However, Tatarstan and Chechnya were not part of this agreement. Later, Tatarstan bowed to the agreement leaving Chechnya alone. This was followed by declaration of full independence form Moscow in 1993 by the Chechnya (Turkish Weekly 1). This resulted into a conflict, and Russia invaded Grozny that was Chechen capital. There were many civilian causalities including over 5000 children. On 11 December 1994, Russian forces from the ground towards Grozny launched an offensive. This happened with some discontent form the Russian military and government. The main cause of the war prior to the 2009 North Caucasus Insurgency was more of a secessionist conflict rather than ethno-nationalist, religious one (Turkish Weekly 1). In fact, Islam was a part of the Chechen identity. The first party is the Chechens. They have remained opposed to Russian authority since the late 18th century. This happened as Russia expanded to areas already under Turkish or Persian authority. The other party is Russia and more specifically Russian military. This has led to conflict due to political decisions and stand by the leadership in authority. Three issues relate to Chechen. They are statehood, international involvement, and equal rights. On the other hand are the Russian issues. They include renunciation of the demand for a separate state, the Chechen disarmament, and the ceasefire. The other issue at hand is the natural resources in Chechnya, and the religious tensions especially between largely secular or Christian Russians and Muslim Chechens. The rebel leaders are sometimes successful in pushing the Russian armed forces out of their vicinity. This was evident as from 1996 to 1997. The Russian army counters this especially after the rebels cross into other regions of Russia, as

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Health Insurance and Managed Care Essay Example for Free

Health Insurance and Managed Care Essay There are a myriad of issues that concern current federal health policies. These new issues emerged from a number of health policy agendas. Several issues are emerging as of late due to the notion that health care is usually perceived as prelude to issues concerning physical health problems. Federal health policies range from mental illnesses and physical therapy issues. The four central issues concerning federal health issues are: Health Insurance Access, Primary Care for Patients, Quality Management in Hospitals, and the Advancement of Healthcare Organizations. These issues constitute a broader set of issues, which concerns federal health policies. The advancement of new medical techonology has generated many opportunities for managed care spcecially in hospitals. These advances in the field of medical health allows medical practitioners to be more adept in handling patients. Furthermore, advanced technology has made precise diagnosis and apt treatment for complex illnesses. With this in mind, human diseases are given remedies in order to treat patients. However, a bevy of issues have emerged regarding managed care. This makes the issue of medical technology complicated in many ways. Healthcare providers are affected by such issue. Medical technologies that reduce costs and present high cost benefit ratio are eventually reimbursed. Such issues are taken into consideration by major health sectors. Wireless Devices and Applications The global proliferation of wireless devices and applications has been surpising. Wireless communications has seen an upscale growth due to the clamor for fast-paced business communications nowadays. Trends like carries and Bluetooth techonology are one of the most discussed issues whenever wireless applications come into mind. The issues of carriers are still similar since they wireless communication first emerged. However, wireless carries demand extra payments for consumers. Carriers are supposed to augment the services of telecommunication companies, though they are also responsible for revenue-sharing arrangements of telecom companies. Emerging trends of wireless communication include: †¢ Integration with native phone Apps (Camera, Media Gallery etc) †¢ Rich and more engaging user experience †¢ Faster access †¢ Reduced clicks †¢ Low latency †¢ Lower bandwidth requirement Nowadays, the use of mobile web is increasing. Wireless devices are being used people ranging from students to company executives. The proliferation of Wi-Fi hotspots have been evident. The use of 3G mobile broadband increased as well. These and other issues indicate that the wireless telecommunications industry is sustaining a sporadic growth and progress.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

E-commerce :: essays research papers

Business and the Internet The past several years have marked a time which is comparable to the coming of television and the radio. The Internet has grown from a simple way to send messages to and from two different computers with different operating systems, known as the beginning of E-Mail, to a way to sell and buy products just like in the tangible world. This article explains that the Internet or Web must be reckoned in dog years, because the pace of change is so fast that one year on the Internet is like seven years in any other medium. Fifteen million households connected to the "Net" can be a large market for any business willing and ready to scoop it up. By the year 2000, the projection is that North America will have 38 million online households, one third of all households. The reasoning, or thesis, of the article is the question of whether the Web should be used for information purposes, or for a new marketplace in this expanding goldmine of information. The potential for businesses is enormous. Fifteen million people is a very large consumer marketplace. Consumers are not the only ones "surfing" around for info. Businesses also focus on other companies to sell their products. General Electric sold machine and appliance parts using a new business to business technology called "extranet". GE used its successful "extranet" to roll in 1996 online sales of one billion dollars. Another very successful type of business on the net is the coming of services backed by research, such as discount stock trading, including e.Schwab and a Web-only company called E*Trade. Travel services have been very promising because the transactions can be supported by extensive computer databases of useful information. The Web is particularly effective at selling services backed by research. The reasoning behind the financial services taking up the Web is the fact that they are backed up by extensive research. The main worry with the Web and its growth is the concern of false information and crackpot theories masquerading as facts. The Web is flooded with many different kinds of businesses and "personal" Web pages which could mislead the consumer into believing false information. The only way to combat this problem is to trust "brand name" business and services. The only way to tell if you can trust a site or business is to have previous interaction with this company. As the web expands and the number of "companies" grows, brand names that are known will become progressively more important. E-commerce :: essays research papers Business and the Internet The past several years have marked a time which is comparable to the coming of television and the radio. The Internet has grown from a simple way to send messages to and from two different computers with different operating systems, known as the beginning of E-Mail, to a way to sell and buy products just like in the tangible world. This article explains that the Internet or Web must be reckoned in dog years, because the pace of change is so fast that one year on the Internet is like seven years in any other medium. Fifteen million households connected to the "Net" can be a large market for any business willing and ready to scoop it up. By the year 2000, the projection is that North America will have 38 million online households, one third of all households. The reasoning, or thesis, of the article is the question of whether the Web should be used for information purposes, or for a new marketplace in this expanding goldmine of information. The potential for businesses is enormous. Fifteen million people is a very large consumer marketplace. Consumers are not the only ones "surfing" around for info. Businesses also focus on other companies to sell their products. General Electric sold machine and appliance parts using a new business to business technology called "extranet". GE used its successful "extranet" to roll in 1996 online sales of one billion dollars. Another very successful type of business on the net is the coming of services backed by research, such as discount stock trading, including e.Schwab and a Web-only company called E*Trade. Travel services have been very promising because the transactions can be supported by extensive computer databases of useful information. The Web is particularly effective at selling services backed by research. The reasoning behind the financial services taking up the Web is the fact that they are backed up by extensive research. The main worry with the Web and its growth is the concern of false information and crackpot theories masquerading as facts. The Web is flooded with many different kinds of businesses and "personal" Web pages which could mislead the consumer into believing false information. The only way to combat this problem is to trust "brand name" business and services. The only way to tell if you can trust a site or business is to have previous interaction with this company. As the web expands and the number of "companies" grows, brand names that are known will become progressively more important.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Candide in El Dorado

The Meaning of El Dorado and its contrast with the rest of the world: El Dorado appears to be the perfect utopia, for others it represents an unrealistic place to live. For Voltaire this world meant his entire desire and dream about the perfect society. Many critics note that El Dorado is only a huge extravaganza because it consisted of contradictory statements. The meaning of El Dorado is a vision of the perfect society and represents a false paradise impossible to attain or approach by the destructive human nature.El Dorado contrasts with the rest of the world because at the time Candide was written by Voltaire He lived in one important periods of the humanity, â€Å"The enlightenment†. Around him, he saw many injustices perpetrated by the principle institutions that lead the society at that time. The own desire of Candide to leave El Dorado was imposed by something that he knew; In El Dorado, everybody seems to be equal and a fortune in El Dorado means nothing compare to a fortune in the world where they came from.Furthermore, he needed to recover Miss Cunegonde. The superiority and the economic power that he will gain with the fortune from El Dorado will help him to get her back. Some aspects of El Dorado appear very attractive. The deistic religion that the old man describes, the obvious economic supremacy, the egalitarian practices of the king and the absence of public encounters seem to be the perfect society to emulate. El Dorado is the perfect society for Voltaire but the real thrust is that a perfect society like El Dorado is really hard to attain.The excessive exaggeration that Voltaire expresses in Candide makes some critics to think. Why if Candide always looked for the perfect world describes by his mentor Pangloss him and his servant didn’t remain in El Dorado. The answer described for many is that the Perfect Utopia lack of the reality. Shanley and Stillman point out that Voltaire makes constant use of exaggeration to suggest the e xcess of El Dorado: Building reach to clouds. The portal of the king’s palace is 220 feet high and 100 feet wide.Food served at the inn includes a 200-pound condor, 300 colibri hummingbirds on one platter and 600 hummingbirds on another. Such exaggerated sizes appear ludicrous; they also contrast sharply with Voltaire’s initial statement that the country is cultivated for pleasure as well as for need and that â€Å"everywhere the useful is attractive. † As we can see the exaggeration by Voltaire has no limit and in a real world probably cannot exist with such excess. The visions of El Dorado of a perfect society contrast because there are extreme inequalities.For instance, Candide and Cacambo talk to the old man, and this give them a carriage with twelve servants that indicate an exaggeration and also indicate the different social inequalities, if everybody is equal why does a man has many servant. On the other hand, the destructive human nature would never coex ist in a perfect world such as El Dorado. All life beings in the nature lacks of common sense. This is evident in the nature of animals. They fight for their territory and tries to be superior in any aspect of its life.Moreover, Shanley and Stillman believe that El Dorado contains many serious defects. These defects are marked by an irrelevant economic and social inequality, material extravaganza, and stunted human emotional and intellectual capabilities. They also state it is neither a completely good society nor one that human beings can recreate elsewhere. Subsequently, El Dorado seems to be the perfect place to live despite the critics for many authors. However, El Dorado is a very straight critic to the society in which Voltaire lived.The real society in which Voltaire lived is composed for many institutions that he attacks in various opportunities such as the church and the monarchy. For example, when Candide arrived to El Dorado and he sees that all the people believe in the same thing and there’s not a priest, no hierarchy, and all the people are equal. That’s a good strike from Voltaire to the church claiming that everybody must be equal. According with Dalnekoff, â€Å"El Dorado is a foil to the societies through which Candide has passed and will pass where the inquisition imposes a reign of terror, and poverty, corruption and oppression are everywhere to be found. (Utopia and Satire)In contrast of El Dorado with the contemporary system, we found that in the contemporary system much oppression and abuses have been committed and in El Dorado the inhabitants are very virtuous; they were a society with absence of many institutions. A very questionable point in Candide and his extraordinary optimism is why if he believes that everything obeys a divine pattern and all is for the best, why didn’t he remain in El Dorado?. Dalknekoff states that the motives given by Candide for departing are hardly worthy of commendation.His desire to b e richer than all those around him is certainly deplorable. (‘Impossible dream) As Dalknekoff said, motives that move all human beings are money and the desire for superiority. Moreover, Shanley and Stillman endorse Candide; who States â€Å"If we stay here, we shall only be like others†. If they leave, they can be powerful and wealthy. They can boast of their travels, and Candide can recover Cunegonde. In accordance with the authors above Candide’s motives to leave El Dorado are typical human motives.Now beside the fact that all human beings are always seeking fortune and good position of high status, we found another important element: the love for his dear Cunegonde. The love factor is a prominent aspect that can force a human to leave a perfect society like El Dorado. El Dorado seems to be the perfect place with an extremely beauty in all aspect. Candide had an extremely urge to leave this exotic paradise because he wants to reunite with his love Miss cunengo nde who was about to get married with another man.All the riches of El Dorado it wasn’t enough to attach Candide to El Dorado. On the other hand, Dalkenoff claims to stay in El Dorado would mean to escape from the evils of the real world rather than to face and deal with them. It is not in man’s imperfect nature to find happiness in such a perfect society; the best of all possible worlds is not being suites to man as he is. (Utopia and Satire) In accordance with Dalkenoff the human nature is moved by the everyday challenges and such perfection doesn’t look to be very attractive for Candide.After stayed thirty days in El Dorado Candide wants to return as soon possible to the extremely defective world outside. The Eldorado stones will only be of value to him in the defective world, where the people were stingy and greedy and they were measured by what they had. The  Stones and beauty of El Dorado oblige to encourage avarice and ambition in Candide, whose only pr evious idea was survive and his love for Miss Cunegonde Voltaire had an idea about the perfect society and he wanted transmit the idea to the principles institutions of his time.At the time Candide was written in 1759 Europe was in the middle of the Enlightenment period: According to Bristow The Enlightenment is the period in the history of western thought and culture, stretching roughly from the mid-decades of the seventeenth century through the eighteenth century, characterized by dramatic revolutions in science, philosophy, society and politics; these revolutions swept away the medieval world-view and ushered in our modern western world. (Bristow, par. 1)

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Rock Music and Free Time

Without music life would be a mistake! My hobbies are singing and dancing. Regarding the most popular hobbies, people like playing basketball or football, reading, stamp collecting, etc. However, I love to listen to music and also to sing. I have a large and superb collection of tracks and I listen to all kinds of music. My collection ranges from hip hop music to rock and from blues music to rap. My hobby is listening to these songs carefully and then to learn them. I sit with a piece of paper and a pen while I write down the lyrics of the songs that I hear.Then I hum along and soon I know the tunes too. I switch off the Black Berry recorder and then I pretend to be the singer myself. I sing the song exactly it was sung by the playback singer. I sometimes succeed and I sometimes fail. Once I feel that I sing perfectly I tape my own voice. When I listen to the recording I am objective and try to find my faults in singing. This helps me to improve my singing and I feel confident and th rilled. Whenever I go to a party, my friends persuade me to dance. Once I begin, the party livens up, people join in and the place is filled with the sound of music.I feel proud of myself and my friends also praise me because they feel that I become the life of the party. I listen to music and I sing every day when I go to school or when I have a free time in school. My hobby makes me happy and at least brings joy to my sister and friends. In my opinion, it is necessary that everybody have a hobby. It educates people; they give their pleasure, and help them to use his free time fruitfully. If a person has no hobby, he will turn him free time into something useful? From my point of view, if I were you I would listen to music every day.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Brothels and Convents During the Renaissance essays

Brothels and Convents During the Renaissance essays In this essay, I will focus mostly on the regulation of both convents and brothels in the time of Shakespeare and the Renaissance. Ruth Mazo Karras, The Regulation of Brothels in Later Medieval England, focuses exactly on this topic throughout England and other European countries during the Renaissance. In regards to the convents I will be looking closely at an article entitled Subjects on the World's Stage: Essays on British Literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, written by David G. Allen and Robert A. White. The regulations of brothels during the Renaissance were regarded heavily. Karras says that women within these brothels were basically regarded as evil and as sinners yet they remained occupying the position of prostitution solely because of the sexual appetites of men; these brothels were considered a necessary evil(Karras). The first parallel between women of convents and stews is the aspect of being forbidden from being a part of every day society. Women who lived in convents were completely shut off from the public - no insiders could leave and no outsiders could come in (Allen). The only difference in the secrecy of these two places was the fact that brothels were visited by men. Karras also states that the women of brothels were not given the rights of "regular" women. In some places, she was not allowed to reject any customer, indeed could not be raped because she was considered to belong to all men and thus had no right to withhold consent (Karras). These two aspects of womens lives in this time period play a major part in the drama "Measure for Measure", and especially set up the scene in the opening act of the play. When Claudio sends for his sister, Isabel, to help him get out of jail, in which he was sentenced to death for having premarital (by the eyes of the church) sex with Juliet, Isabel leaves the convent in which she was about to t...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

10 agencias que contratan enfermeras para EE.UU.

10 agencias que contratan enfermeras para EE.UU. Estados Unidos necesita profesionales de la enfermerà ­a en grandes nà ºmeros debido a la jubilacià ³n de miles de profesionales nativos en los prà ³ximos aà ±os. Por ello, contratan enfermeras en otros paà ­ses. Para los candidatos internacionales, esta opcià ³n es atractiva porque adems de brindar la oportunidad de trabajar en EE.UU. permite obtener buenos salarios ya que es una profesià ³n bien pagada. En la actualidad, la mayorà ­a de los contratos para trabajar en EE.UU. en esta profesià ³n los obtienen enfermeros/as de paà ­ses de habla inglesa, como Filipinas, India, Irlanda, Sudfrica, Australia, Nueva Zelanda o algunas islas caribeà ±as. Un nà ºmero ms reducido de profesionales procede de otros paà ­ses, destacando los provenientes de Mà ©xico. Enfermeras Internacionales para trabajar en EE.UU. En EE.UU. hay 3,2 millones de enfermeras registradas, conocidas por sus iniciales RN.El 90 por ciento son mujeres.Se estima que en 2020 habr 800.000 puestos de trabajo en enfermerà ­a sin cubrir, segà ºn clculos del National Center for Workforce Analysis.El 15 por ciento de enfermeras que trabajan en EE.UU. se han formado fuera de este paà ­s, segà ºn el Institute for Immigration Research de la Universidad George Mason.Para trabajar en EE.UU. como RN, las enfermeras internacionales necesitan: licenciatura universitaria o equivalente, homologacià ³n de estudios, examen de conocimientos, certificacià ³n del estado en el que quieran trabajar, conocimiento alto del idioma inglà ©s y documento que acredite el derecho a trabajar en EE.UU., que puede ser visa de trabajo o tarjeta de residencia permanente . 10 Agencias estadounidenses de reclutamiento de enfermeras/os Entre las numerosas agencias que se dedican a esta labor y aceptan candidatos de Latinoamà ©rica y/o Espaà ±a, destacan las siguientes. ASMCI Servicios para Estados Unidos y Canad Telà ©fono: 702-483-5308Correo Electrà ³nico: Assignment America Telà ©fono: 781-388-6800Correo electrà ³nico: CBH Healthcare Recruiters Telà ©fono: 602-404-0417Correo electrà ³nico: Christine Paris Enterprises USA, Inc. Brinda servicios de colocacià ³n para USA, Australia y el Reino Unido. Correo electrà ³nico: European Medical Staffing Para enfermeras/os de Mà ©xico o Canad. Informacià ³n en Mà ©xico: Global Healtcare Resources Tiene socios reclutadores en Mà ©xico, Perà º y otros paà ­ses de Latinoamà ©rica. Telà ©fono: 703-481-2204Correo electrà ³nico: Institute of California Bilingual Healthcare Telà ©fono: 310-933-3232En su pgina web en la seccià ³n de contactar hay un formulario para enviarles un correo. O ´Grady Peyton International: Brinda servicios de colocacià ³n a profesionales de todo el mundo, incluidos de Latinoamà ©rica y Espaà ±a.  Contactar en su pgina web, eligiendo el lugar en el que se encuentra la persona interesada. Peyton tambià ©n ofrece trabajos en Canad y Australia. PPR Telà ©fono: 866.581.5038Correo electrà ³nico: Wilson Staffing Network Correo electrà ³nico: Preguntas que los candidatos deben hacer a las agencias de colocacià ³n de enfermeras internacionales No todas las agencias son iguales y se deberà ­a contactar con varias y preguntar cosas como:    ¿Cobran tarifa de colocacià ³n? Ya que puede pagarlo el empleador. ¿Ayudan en trmites migratorios? ¿Ayudan a preparar el examen del NCLEX o del TOEFL? Y segà ºn las respuestas y las necesidades de cada uno, quedarse con la que resulte ms conveniente. Tipos de visas disponibles para enfermeras/os internacionales Para trabajar en Estados Unidos es necesario contar con algà ºn tipo de documento que lo autorice. Como regla general, las enfermeras internacionales pueden contar con uno de los siguientes documentos: Residencia permanente (green card) por trabajoVisa H-1B para profesionales. Dependiendo de los casos de empleador y tipo de empleo, la H-1B para enfermeras pudiera no estar sujeta a los problemas de los là ­mites anuales.Visa TN-2 sà ³lo para mexicanos o canadienses, bajo el acuerdo del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) Aunque esas son las ms frecuentes, no son las à ºnicas. Esta es una relacià ³n de todas las visas de trabajo y aquà ­ se puede encontrar un listado de las situaciones muy especà ­ficas que permiten solicitar con à ©xito un permiso de trabajo.   Las enfermeras que cuentan ya con un documento que les permite trabajar legalmente en Estados Unidos desde el punto de vista migratorio pueden contactar con cualquiera de las siguientes agencias para buscar trabajo en EE.UU. Maxim Staffing SolutionsCirrus Medical Staffing: 800-299-8132Alda TechnologiesAssingment America: 866-593-8178  ¿Cules son los requisitos mà ­nimos para poder trabajar de enfermera en Estados Unidos? Para trabajar como enfermera es imprescindible tener una licenciatura en enfermerà ­a (Bachelor of Nursing) que pueda ser considerado como equivalente a un R.N. en Estados Unidos. Los tà ­tulos mexicanos de Tà ©cnico profesional a veces sà ­ se validan pero otras no. Adems, es necesario hablar con fluidez inglà ©s, a nivel profesional y con un buen dominio del lenguaje mà ©dico. Tambià ©n se requiere aprobar el NCLEX-RN. Este examen puede rendirse fuera de EU, como por ejemplo en Mà ©xico D.F. Una alternativa es el CGFNS. Asimismo, es necesario obtener la licencia estatal para trabajar como enfermera. En EE.UU. no hay licencia federal que sirva para todo el paà ­s. Por ello, hay que sacarla en el estado donde cada profesional se va a desempeà ±ar laboralmente. Adems, se pide pasar un examen de posible historial criminal (background check, en inglà ©s) Por à ºltimo es necesario obtener la visa correspondiente o una green card  ¿Cunto puede demorarse toda la tramitacià ³n de la visa de enfermera para trabajar en EE.UU? Desde que se inicia hasta que se puede empezar a trabajar puede transcurrir entre 12 y 18 meses.  ¿Cules son las especialidades ms demandadas para las enfermeras internacionales? Las siguientes, son las especialidades de enfermerà ­a donde se ofertan ms puestos de trabajo. Cardiologà ­aDiagnà ³stico por imagenUrgencias (E.R.)Psiquiatrà ­aPediatrà ­aNeonatosCirugà ­aAnestesista  ¿En quà © lugares trabajan las enfermeras internacionales? Pueden ser contratadas por hospitales, hospicios, farmacà ©uticas, consultas de medicina primaria, centros de residencia para vida asistida. hogar de ancianos, etc. El salario de las enfermeras es bueno pero hay una gran diferencia segà ºn tipo de especialidad, los estados y tambià ©n influye los aà ±os de experiencia. Asimismo, a la hora de calcular cunto se gana, tener en consideracià ³n los impuestos. Estos son los 10 estados donde ms y menos se paga. En todo caso, tambià ©n es conveniente realizar un pequeà ±o estudio de si compensa econà ³micamente salir del paà ­s de uno para trabajar en Estados Unidos, ya que si bien es cierto que posiblemente se gana ms, tambià ©n lo es que los gastos son mucho mayores, por eso es pertinente, por ejemplo, verificar este comparativo salarial de 18 profesiones en 8 paà ­ses. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

How global prices of tobacco have fallen during the land reform in Essay

How global prices of tobacco have fallen during the land reform in Zimbabwe from the year 2000 - Essay Example Tobacco production from Zimbabwe has considerably reduced after the land the implementation of land reform policies in 2000 by the Robert Mugabe government. Zimbabwe government blames natural calamities such as unexpected droughts, floods, and problems global economic orders as the reasons for the heavy downfall of tobacco production in Zimbabwe. In realities, such claims are absolutely nonsenses. The major reason for the current problems in tobacco production is the land reform policies implemented at the beginning of 2000 and the subsequent price drops of tobacco in global market. It should be noted that Zimbabwe is the number one tobacco producer in African region and the third largest in the world behind America and Brazil. â€Å"Malawi and Zimbabwe accounted for just under 70% of tobacco produced in Sub–Saharan Africa (SSA) during1965-2004 and 75% during the 1990s. The share of SSA tobacco leaf exports accounted for by Zimbabwe and Malawi is even higher – 87% duri ng 1965-2004† (Poulton et al, p.6). Moreover, Zimbabwe is the world's biggest tobacco exporter, and tobacco is the country's biggest foreign-currency earner, bringing in some $430 million in 1994† (Zimbabwe Tobacco Exports). ... The remaining 6 million hectares have been reserved for national parks and wildlife, and for urban settlements†(Zimbabwe). Tobacco and maize are the major agricultural crops in Zimbabwe. Majority of the tobacco produced in Zimbabwe is exporting to overseas countries. In fact the major source of foreign money for Zimbabwe is tobacco export. Under such circumstances, any price dips of tobacco in global markets may adversely affect the growth prospects of this country. The share of major crops in the agricultural export of Zimbabwe is illustrated in the following figure. Share of agricultural exports. (Zimbabwe). From the above figure, it is evident that tobacco production has increased consistently from the period from 1985 to 2000, even though some of the other crops suffered setbacks during this period. Moreover the value of exports also increased considerably during this period. However, from 2000 onwards, agricultural sector in general and the tobacco sector in particular sta rted to exhaust in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe governments implemented many changes in the agricultural sector which brought more harm than the good. For example, the programme of â€Å"fast-track land resettlement and redistribution† started in 2000, has brought many problems in Zimbabwe. The above programme is still continuing in Zimbabwe even amidst criticisms from both internal and external sources. In fact these land reformation policies created more panic among the farmers their interests in farming has completely lost at present. Land ownership is a controversial subject in Zimbabwe over the last few decades. Governments implemented periodical changes in land ownership which brought many political and economic changes in the country.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Exploring Community Health Nursing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Exploring Community Health Nursing - Assignment Example On the other hand, the concept of health is broadly defines as a state of well being that results from the harmonious interactions of the body, soul and the mind. Therefore the term community health is defined by meeting the particular needs and wants of a community by identifying the problems they face and managing the interactions within the community (Cradduck, 2000). The community health nurses are generally primary health care providers in various places often working in an expanded role in conjunction with other medical care professionals. In addition to homecare, public and community health care service, community health nurses provide treatment and emergency care services, x-rays and crisis management within the community. Their main purpose is to provide community health promotion services in a specific community in accordance with the philosophy and objectives of the authority and to promote the prevention of diseases, maintain health and the overall health as well as wellb eing of the community. This paper therefore seeks to have an insight on the nature, scope and role of community health nursing, and an analysis of the impact of Public Health Care and the Canadian Community Health Nursing Standards. Community health nurses play a pivotal role in the community as far as health provision is concerned. They may extend these services to within the health centre, schools, community halls or in patient homes, especially the elderly and are intended to provide a healthy way of living whilst reducing the incidences of death and diseases significantly. Community health nursing services may be provided either on an individual basis or a multi disciplinary team. Mostly they work in cross boundary teams to effectively provide sufficient health care to the society. They work with individuals, families, populations, groups, systems and/or society, with the focus being the health of a person or community and from which motivations nursing actions flow. The nursing standards of practice are applied in different settings where people work, live, play, learn and even worship (Warren et al, 2012). This involves working with a diverse array of people who have different backgrounds. For example, they may work with children (infants, school age and adolescents), children with long term disabilities, families, pregnant women, elderly people whose health is deteriorating, individuals with chronic diseases, disadvantages individuals or groups as well as community organizations such as schools, churches and social services agencies. Community health nurses therefore need to have a broad perspective of the roles they play within the community as regards health provision and promotion. In order to perform their tasks in the most professional way CHN need to posses some characteristics and attributes that are useful especially in the field. These attributes assist the nurses to identify and manage any health hazards while containing problems that are exis tent. Therefore they need to be very flexible and be highly adaptable to the different environments. This is because the environments keep changing as well as the pandemics that strike. This calls for nurses with physical and emotional stamina, good communication skills, problem solving skills as well as critical thinking abilities (Goottschalk, 2000). Another characteristic that is crucial is the ability to motivate as well as supervise